Dynamic AI

Dynamic AI is the Business Intelligence tool of our choice as it complies to our checklist defined by an enquiry targeted to Business Analists, Business Development personnel, as well as the Financial & Accounting Reporting collaborators.
Dynamic AI solutions are fast and flexible reporting, controlling and budgeting on top of existing database and data-warehouse solutions.
Dynamic AI operates as a browser-based interface to your databases.
Dynamic AI brings you information at your fingertips.
Automated Intelligence® characteristics:
- Connect directly to existing databases.
- Automatic dashboard and report creation.
- Drag-drop report manipulation.
- Drill-down, filter and analyze results.
- Reporting, budgeting and controlling.
- Real-time and efficient.
- 100% browser-based.
If you are interested in developing powerful Automated Intelligence Reports yourself, click here to read more on Dynamic AI!
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